
View information on DFHV services including licensing, Non-District Limousine, company operating authority, grant funding, and more.

Submit a complaint or compliment in writing or use the online Department of For-Hire Vehicles Complaint Form.

DFHV Enforcement staff is responsible for ensuring compliance with Title 31 regulations.

The program consists of an informal and voluntary but confidential meeting for the purpose of addressing issues.

OHCR manages complaints and for-hire driver appeals. Submit forms here.

Department of For-Hire Vehicles has launched the Online Business Portal to allow Operators, Companies and Associations access to submit License Applications, One Stop Vehicle Registrations, and Vehicle Case Management.
To establish portal access, please click here
Please allow 24 hours for a client services team member to review and approve your request. Once access has been granted, you will receive further instructions via email notification.
Operator Portal Company Portal

Transport DC is a premium alternative transportation service for WMATA Metro Access customers. Transport DC provides taxicab rides to and from any location within DC.