The following are the requirements to be a Digital Taxicab Solution (DTS) or Option for Payment Technology (OPT) provider in the District of Columbia. The requirements cover DTS or OPT business processes and approved digital meter technical requirements.
To be included in the 2024 open season (August 2024), you must file your application for initial or renewed approval no later than July 1, 2024.
New requirements for the 2024-2025 DTS/OPT season:
- PVIN verification process (via DFHV Verification Database API) shall permit no more than a single DTS or OPT approved digital meter access at one time.
- DTS or OPT solution shall be compatible with current supported operating systems (Android or iOS) including all security updates throughout the current DTS or OPT operating authority approval year (i.e. currently Android 10 or later.) Any deviations must be submitted along with application for approval.
- DTS or OPT trip record submissions to DFHV Integration Data Portal via API must explicitly and exclusively state trip extras in Extra Fare Amount only to facilitate field inspections and enforcement throughout operating year.
- DTS or OPT trip record submissions to DFHV Integration Data Portal via API must indicate payment type (Credit, Cash, e-Hail, Account.) Note: “Other” payment type shall not be accepted. “Account” payment type has been added.
- DTS or OPT trip record submissions to DFHV Integration Data Portal via API that include special programs (such as Transport DC or VetsRide) must indicate program trip Type and include complete metered fare in trip submission.
- Payment device hardware must be customer-facing and mounted within reach of the passenger.
For questions regarding general requirements, please contact Nicholas Roland, the DTS/OPT Account Manager. For questions regarding technical requirements, please contact Eric Fidler, the Chief Information Officer.
General Requirements
- Application fee of $2,500 payable in the online application process.
- Bond of $150,000 detailed in the DFHV Bond Form. This bond ensures you remit to the District Government the surcharges you collect from passengers for each trip.
- Compliance attestations, you will submit as part of your online application.
- Copy of your current DLCP Certificate of Good Standing. This certificate verifies that your business entity meets the regulatory requirements of DLCP's Corporations Division.
- Copy of your Certificate of Clean Hands from the Office of Tax and Revenue. This certificate verifies your business is not delinquent in any tax liabilities to the District Government.
- Sample of each type of agreement used with owners and operators.
- Current inventory of all associated vehicles.
- Current inventory of all associated operators.
- Description of measures used to detect service patterns suggesting regulatory violations, such as operators who regularly report few or no credit card trips.
- Description of measures used to ensure quality and timely submission of trip data, vehicle inventory, and other information required to be provided to DFHV.
- Description of measures used to ensure prompt payment of driver revenue.
- Description of pricing structure, including dynamic street hail pricing if applicant intends to offer it.
- For applicants intending to offer dynamic street hail pricing: description of measures used to ensure disclosure to passengers prior to booking a trip, including any signage on vehicle and disclosure on applicant’s website.
- Description of measures used to ensure collection, reconciliation, and timely submission of payment of passenger surcharges.
- For credit card processing of payments, documentation showing all these criteria:
- The processor will process DTS payments at a total cost not exceeding 2.65% per swipe.
- No operator will receive less revenue due to the use of the processor.
- The credit card process meets all current PCI data security standards designated as PCI Compliant.
- A written statement attesting the applicant has
- trained all their DTS operators how to use their approved DTS including features of shared ride per AI-2019-02, and
- explained the AI-2018-03 obligations to their operators.
DTS Technical
- Explanation of the functionality and connectivity of the DTS and OPT components, including digital meter, OBD-II connector (if used), driver console, passenger console (if used), printer device, and credit card processing device; how the digital meter interacts with the legacy dome light or cruising lights; and how the unit interacts with the backend management system. Attach detailed specifications and photographs of all components including auditable data privacy standards and security and/or breach notifications to the DFHV. A mandatory drive test will also be conducted for all published DFHV rates for accurate fare calculation (including no or GPS degraded environments.) The system should have no legacy meter connections and be compatible with current, supported operating systems (Android or iOS) including all security updates throughout current DTS or OPT operating authority approval year. Any deviations much be submitted along with application for approval.
- Explanation and demonstration of dynamic authentication of drivers via DFHV Verification database API including meter 12-hour shift control and immediate lockout capability (via DFHV API or backend system.) PVIN verification process (via DFHV Verification Database API) shall permit no more than a single DTS or OPT digital meter access at one time.
- Demonstration showing that the components of the DTS or OPT driver console and passenger console use open architecture with open APIs included in the DFHV Integration Data Portal to allow integration with DFHV services and third-party applications.
- Explanation of the DTS's and OPT’s open API, describing all supported API calls, sending events, serializing events, and code samples, and how location and meter status will be communicated to DFHV via the API including ALL trip record data submissions (including cancelled trips) via the DFHV Integration Data Portal including but not limited to trip ID, geo coordinates (lat/long up to 6 decimal points), drop-off/pick-up address, driver identifier, vehicle identifier, number of passengers, fare amount, time, distance, duration, vehicle status (on shift, available, off shift, on call, hired), fare type designation (ordinal, flat, hourly, or DFHV programs), and hail type (street hail, e-hail, telephone dispatch). Trip record submissions must indicate payment type (Credit, Cash, e-Hail, Account.) Note: “Other” payment type shall not be accepted. “Account” payment type has been added. Special programs (such as Transport DC or VetsRide) must indicate program trip Type and include complete metered fare in trip submission.
- Documentation showing the DTS or OPT will have an uptime of 99.99% including measures to ensure high availability, low fault tolerance, and redundancy. Include examples such as no or limited wireless connectivity.
- Demonstration of the DTS or OPT functionality for visually impaired, blind, and physically disabled passengers including a choice of spoken per mile, per dollar, and per minute announcements for the front console. If a backseat console is used, it must include block display formatting standards, text-to-speech, rate of speech control, volume, audible information regarding vehicle and driver identification, and location.
- Demonstration of:
- the forms of credit card and cashless payment available to passengers;
- how each type of payment is processed;
- how an EMV chip-enabled payment card is processed;
- remote configuration of passenger tip presentation not to exceed 30% (unless manually entered by passenger); and
- payment device hardware which must be customer-facing and mounted within reach of passenger.
- Explanation of how trip and session data (i.e. a manifest), for at least the past 48 hours, will appear on the driver console and be made available to District enforcement personnel. DTS or OPT trip record submissions to DFHV Integration Data Portal via API must explicitly and exclusively state trip extras in Extra Fare Amount only to facilitate field inspections and enforcement throughout operating year.
- Explanation of the functionality of the driver and passenger safety features, and photographs showing their locations on the driver and passenger consoles.
- Front seat driver consoles must be 6 inches diagonally measured or larger for passenger visibility. If using a console smaller than 6 inches diagonally, a back seat console is required.
- All backseat consoles must be capable of allowing for 10% city-run PSAs (public service announcements) as required by DFHV.
- Demonstration showing that the meter is in compliance of the shared riding calculations per AI-2018-05.
- Description of all approved (DDS) digital dispatch services (apps) with which the DTS and OPT will be integrated, including how booking requests will be accepted and how payments will be processed for e-hail trips.
- Demonstration of how receipts will be available by hard copy printing, and text, and email, or web. Samples of receipt are required following all published standards including total breakdown of charges, discounts, operator identity, operator contact information, and DFHV complaint line.
- Description of measures used to ensure an approved DFHV sticker with the most up to date applicant’s 24/7 live assistance number is affixed to the interior of lower left-hand side of the rear passenger window of all vehicles equipped with applicant’s DTS or OPT approved digital meter. Description of driver training both in-person and remotely.
- Description of discounting program, if any, including rate calculation, driver training, passenger receipt compliance, and 24-hour approval notification to DFHV when implemented.