(Washington, DC) The District of Columbia Taxicab Commission, in cooperation with the University of the District of Columbia, has planned community forums in each of the District's eight wards to learn how the District's taxicab industry can better serve the riding public. As the Commission consistently receives complaints about refusals to haul, overcharging, discourteous and unsafe practices among drivers, the lack of dispatch service, and inadequate service for the handicapped, it would like to hear from members of the wider community on their experiences with the District's taxicab industry and recommendations for its improvement.
The meetings, which begin in mid-September and continue through mid-October, will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 pm.
Tuesday, September 19 | Ward 3 | Guy Mason Recreation Center, 3600 Calvert Street, NW |
Thursday, September 21 | Ward 6 | Sherwood Recreation Center, 1000 G Street, NE |
Tuesday, September 26 | Ward 2 | Foundry United Methodist Church, 1500 16th Street, NW |
Thursday, September 28 | Ward 5 | Washington Center for the Aging, 2601 18th Street, NE |
Tuesday, October 3 | Ward 4 | Peoples Congregation Church, 4704 13th Street, NW |
Thursday, October 5 | Ward 7 | Marshall Heights Community Development Org., 3939 Benning Road, NE |
Tuesday, October 10 | Ward 8 | The ARC, 1901 Mississippi Avenue, SE |
Thursday, October 12 | Ward 1 | All Souls Church, Unitarian, 1500 Harvard Street, NW |