Friday, September 9, 2005
The District of Columbia Taxicab Commission ("Commission") took emergency action today and voted unanimously to immediately reinstate a gasoline surcharge to aid drivers in meeting the soaring cost of gasoline. The Commission approved a surcharge of $1.50 per trip, to become effective 12:01 am (EST) Saturday, September 10, 2005 and to remain in effect until 12:00 midnight (EST) on Sunday, January 8, 2006, unless earlier terminated by the Commission.
Before taking emergency action, the Commission voiced concern that taxicab operators may not be able to continue to meet their obligation to provide vital transportation service to the public without the surcharge. "Prices have skyrocketed, drivers need help, and the Commission has no choice but to provide it in this way," said Causton A. Toney, Interim Chairperson of the Commission. The Commission noted that the price of regular unleaded gasoline in Washington, DC had increased 65 cents per gallon in the last nine days and that prices in the District remained relatively high in comparison to other parts of the region and the country. The Commission also voted today to consider a permanent fare increase before the emergency surcharge terminates in January.
The following chart reflects current zone rates with the emergency gas surcharge added:
Number of Zones
Current Fares
Fare Plus Surcharge