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Department of For-Hire Vehicles

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Public Vehicle Identification Number (PVIN); Extended Deadline to Update Registration Information

Monday, July 8, 2013

The DC Taxicab Commission is extending an opportunity to vehicle owners, companies, fleets or associations who failed to meet the deadline of June 20, 2013 and or have changed company/association affiliation or have changed vehicles to update their vehicle information. From July 22, 2013 through July 27, 2013, DCTC will accept submissions from those who have previously failed to submit or need to update their information.  

Independent operators are required to directly submit or update vehicle information to the Commission via email to [email protected] in  the required template ; all other vehicle owners are required to update their vehicle information with the company, fleet or association with which they are affiliated. It is the responsibility of the company, fleet or association to provide updated information about any vehicle owner that joins or leaves them.  

The requirement to update vehicle information is due to the transition to the new Public Vehicle Identification Number (PVIN). The PVIN is a combination of one-letter and three-numbers that will be displayed on the new standardized dome light.  All DC taxis are required to have the new standardized dome light installed by November 1, 2013.

The existing moratorium on registering new vehicles remains in effect and applies to all taxicabs, including associations, fleets, independents and companies.  Equipment changes during this time will be handled on a case-by-case basis and will only be allowed where the registration, tags and insurance remain valid.

To ensure all active vehicles and owners receive a PVIN, all vehicle owners are required to update their information with the Commission. Complete the MS-Excel spreadsheet template posted below and submit via email to [email protected]

Please Note: Examples of how to complete the Excel form are included in the first three columns in the attachment below.

• What is PVIN?
It is the new numbering system for cabs.

• Where and when can I find out my PVIN?
At any licensed meter shop when you buy a dome light or credit card system for installation.

• What should I do when the meter shop says my PVIN is not in the system and I should go to DCTC?
If the vehicle owner is part of a fleet he/she must go through the company or association. Independents can come directly to the Office of Taxicabs.
When the vehicle owner comes to DCTC he/she must bring proof he/she or a cab company emailed the template on or before June 20, 2013; or bring a Microsoft excel copy of the vehicle information, along with proof of the title, registration, tags, proof of independent status, and facecard. 
If the vehicle owner has done a color change without informing DCTC he/she must bring a letter from their previous company indicating that the previous company will remove his information from their vehicle list, complete a One Stop Form and sign a waiver to repaint when the uniform color scheme is adopted.

• What should I do if meter shop says my PVIN is in the system but assigned to a different vehicle?
When the vehicle owner comes to DCTC he/she must bring, proof of the title, registration, tags, and facecard. If the vehicle owner did an equipment change on record with DCTC, the vehicle information in PVIN database will be updated. If not, the vehicle owner must complete the One Stop Form and sign a waiver to repaint when the uniform color scheme is adopted.

• When can I update my vehicle information for a PVIN?
Updates to vehicle information can only be done between July 22 and July 27.

• What if a vehicle owner submits a waiver for equipment change?
There is a moratorium in effect. Waivers are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Any waiver application must include proof of an installation appointment and/or a contract with a PSP to get credit card system installed.

• Is there any extension on the August 31 deadline?
No, there is no extension.

• Can I go to my insurance company for my PVIN?
No. Even though an insurance company may have submitted the template as a courtesy for you the insurance company is not responsible for compliance or duplicate information. If the insurance company submitted information on your behalf provide proof the template was emailed on or before June 20, 2013; or bring a Microsoft excel copy of the vehicle information, along with proof of the title, registration, tags, and facecard.

• I submitted my template before the deadline but the metershop said my PVIN is not in the system...what should I do?
There could be a number of reasons: your tag or VIN was a duplicate; or some information was missing from one or more of the 17 columns required. If it is an oversight we apologize and will register your PVIN if you provide proof you emailed the template on or before June 20, 2013; or bring a Microsoft excel copy of the vehicle information, along with proof of the title, registration, tags, and facecard.

• Where do I find out my PVIN?
Go to any licensed meter shop to find out your PVIN.

• Who assigns the PVIN?
The Office of Taxicab issues and assigns a PVIN.

• Will my PVIN change if I join a different company or change vehicles?
It depends; the Office of Taxicabs will confirm your number when you file a One Stop Form for color/company affiliation.  To ensure a smooth transition notify your current company and new company so they can both update their vehicle list with the Commission. Then file a color/association change with DCTC.

• Is the PVIN a medallion? 

• How can a driver/vehicle owner affiliated with a company or association submit or update information?
Vehicle owners must submit or update vehicle information through their company or association.
Independents can submit or update vehicle information through their insurance company or directly to the company or association.

• When can I use the PVIN?
Immediately when a MTS is installed. The PVIN will be programmed into the meter receipt as the official cab number.