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Department of For-Hire Vehicles

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Special Commission Meeting - Full Commission

Last Date:

441 4th Street NW
Old Council's Chamber, 1st Floor

DC Taxicab Commission

Special Commission Meeting – Full Commission


I.    Call to Order
Moment of Silence Determination of Quorum
II.    Commission Communication
Commissioner Remarks, Comments or Questions
III.    Commission Action Item
Proposed Regulation Creating a Sedan-Class of Public Vehicle for Hire
IV.    Government Communications and Presentations V.    General Counsel’s Report VI.    Staff Reports
VII.    Public Comment Period
Registered speakers called in order of sign up Five (5) minutes per person Appearance registration closes at 4:30 pm on September 11, 2012. Call on 202-645-6018.
VIII. Adjournment

Next meeting: October 10, 2012

(202) 645-6018